Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Frat House

After the terrifying events of moving out of my SoHo apartment, I was overjoyed as I helped the movers shuttle my stuff off of the elevator in my new building.  As I helped them bring boxes into my new room, complete with a door that opened all the way and a full on closet with doors, I couldn't help but be relieved and excited.  Once everything was in and the movers were paid, I realized I was starving, and headed out to grab some dinner.

Back in the apartment with my grub, I settled down to watch some TV.  Oddly, the TV was on, but no one was in the apartment.  As I looked around, wondering whether I should change the channel, possibly rocking the boat on my first day in the apartment, I noticed some odd things about the living room.  First of all, there were two TVs -- the big one that was left on by the mystery roommate while I was out, and a small one next to it.  They both had cable boxes.  I was sagging into a 20+ year old couch with orange and brown flowers on it.  The other items of furniture in the room consisted of an armchair, and a table with two chairs, all of which were made of plastic, a small coffee table, and a CD/DVD tower.  I was dumbfounded.  I had no memory of seeing any of this when I'd come to visit.

It appears that, in my excitement over the size of the apartment, the dishwasher, and the roofdeck, I'd neglected to notice that I was moving into an apartment decorated by overgrown frat boys.  Just as the full weight of the football banners push-pinned to the wall and the cardboard cutouts of football players started to hit me, Artie (who will quickly be rechristened "Dirty Artie"), walks in the door.  We exchange pleasantries about my move, and he mentions that he went out to get food, but had left the TV on because he was going to watch some pre-season football.  And so it begins . . . 

 My Room

 My brother sitting on the new couch.  Sadly I don't have pictures of the orange and brown flowered one.  You can see some of the plastic furniture and the one framed piece of art -- a picture of an olive doing the backstroke in a martini glass.

 I was opening graduation gifts when this picture was taken.  You can see one of the TVs, the DVD tower, and a taped-up magazine article on the bathroom door.


On the amazing roofdeck.  Please note the Empire State Building in the background.

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