Monday, January 9, 2012


Two years ago, when I first started writing this blog, I really just needed to get it all out -- all the ridiculous, shitty, and funny-only-after-the-fact things that have happened to me while on the quest to find a perfect apartment.  I really wanted to tell the story of what had just happened and needed to find a forum more appropriate than, um, whining on Facebook.  But I decided to start from the beginning.  I mean, I had been involved in other insane housing situations (see moonshine in my kitchen) that I felt might amuse people.  I didn't have a silly gimmick to hawk to the world, like a different apartment to sleep in every night of the week, nor was I trying to emulate some famous peripatetic traveler (Margaret and . . . Marco Polo?).  I just thought if I could make some of my friends laugh, it might make all the stress worth it.

Also, in waiting until I worked my way through the Peace Corps years, early NYC (featuring the Stomper and Dirty Artie) and later Bahrry and his never ending baths, I knew I could create a little distance between me and crazy Yvette.  I figured that someday I would probably laugh about some of her idiosyncrasies, but it was hard to wrap my head around when I was preoccupied with thoughts of housing court and filing assault charges.

Once I started writing and people seemed interested, I never thought I'd stop.  For the most part managed to crank out a post a week for the first year of my blogging.  Then it just . . . petered off.  I'm not really sure what happened, but I think I stopped really needing to write about my housing struggles because I wasn't really having any.  I realized this weekend, during a massive closet cleaning project (which has rendered my apartment a perfect model for "Hoarders -- The Studio Edition," so no drop-by visits, K?), that the reason why I need to clean out my closet is that I haven't moved in nearly nineteen months.  I've been in this apartment for almost as long as I'd lived in my last three apartments combined.  No wonder my closet needs to be reorganized.

Which brings me to my resolutions, both New Years and otherwise.  In addition to organizing my closet, I've resolved to finish out my story of how I got to my current apartment, and then put this blog to bed.  Maybe I'll start another one.  Maybe not.  Maybe you'll have to wait until something else fires me up this much and I start a new one.  Maybe something else crazy will happen to my living space and I'll continue writing Living Lavishly.  I mean, I wouldn't rule it out given my luck.  In the meantime, enjoy the final ride -- the ride to the resolution.  I promise it's worth the bumps in the road, and will be delivered on a more regular schedule.